Agora Integration #
To configure Agora for Audio & Video calls in this application. You need to have Agora APP ID & Agora Primary Certificate from the Agora Console. Agora is not a free usage API, it is chargeable by Agora, if the Free Quota limit is crossed. (you can refer pricing for Voice & Video call –Pricing (
Click here to generate the Agora App ID & Primary Certificate

Once you generate them, Open the Source Code in your preferable editor and Go to: lib/Configs/app_constants.dart and set your Agora APP ID & Primary Certificate there.
[NEW ] For Agora SDK to able to generate token for your app, Cloud functions must deployed in Firebase. Cloud function named “createCallsWithTokens” is present inside: sourcecode/functions/index.js
GIPHY GIF Integration #
Animated emoji, GIF, Stickers are powered by GIPHY. To setup Giphy API for GIF, get the Giphy API Key from their official website. To create an Account & get the Giphy API Key you can follow the guided steps. CLICK HERE

Paste the generated Giphy API Key in lib/Configs/app_constants.dart
Mutli-Language Translation #
To add Multi-Language to your app, you can purchase our Single-Language Integration Pack OR Multi-Language Integration Pack (20 languages).
If you want to add a local language by yourself, just follow these simple steps:
- Clone the lib/Localization/json_languages/en.json file & Translate the String values present inside the en.json and name the file [YOUR_NEW_LANGUAGE_CODE].json
- Include the language in a pattern like other language strings inside lib/Localization/language_constants.dart & lib/Localization/language.dart
- You are done with language translation.
If you wish to change the User type / User title “Agents” / “Customers” to any other title, you can directly edit them (Value String of those keys) in the default language file en.json or any other new language file which you have added.
Example: Replace “xxagentxx” : “Agent” to “xxagentxx” : “Developer” if your app has Developers as Agents.
Example: Replace “xxcustomersxx” : “Customers” to “xxcustomersxx” : “Clients” if you wish to rename Customers to Clients