Version 1.0.46 – 11th July 2022

- Compatible with Flutter 2.10.3
- Performance Improved
- Notification Switch in profile settings
- Smart Contacts Loading (with background fetching)
- .MOV & .JPEG file support added in Photo & video editor
- Forward message bug fix
- Notification Delivery Improved
- Artifact Registry API must be enabled in GCP
- Google Play Integrity API be enabled in GCP
- For old projects -> "Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) & (V1)" to be enabled in Firebase Project Settings > Cloud Messaging.
- Android Device verification API discountinued by Google
- iOS AppDelegate.swift updated
- For older projects, Re-Deploy the Firebase Functions (due to change by Firebase)
- Other Minor Bug Fixes
- Installation Guide Updated (Search by [NEW v1.0.46])

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