Add Firebase Web App

Table of Contents

Add an Web app #

To add an web app to Firebase project, you should have Web App Name ready.

STEP 1: Go to Firebase Console & select project to see the Dashboard. Click on “+” icon.

STEP 2: Select Web App (code symbol)

A) Enter your Web App Name
B) Click on “Register App

STEP 4: Copy the Credentials generated marked inside the box & keep them in a safe place.

Incase, you forget to copy the credentials, you can copy them again from the Project Settings Page as shown below:

STEP 5: Open the Project folder in VSCode or any other Code editor. Paste the copied credentials inside the file:


STEP 6: Also Paste the credentials inside another file:

Save the Changes.

👏 Congratulations ! Your new Web app is linked to your Firebase Project.

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