AWS | Final Setup – Social SignIn Authentication Pool

STEP 1: #

Social SignIn User pool will be created successfully. You can find this in:

AWS Console –> Amazon cognito –> User pools –> Select Region > “SocialSignInAuthPool“, (NOTE: You should be in the same AWS region from the top right region selector)

Click on “SocialSigninAuthPool

STEP 2: #

  1. Go to “App Integration” tab
  2. Click on “SocialSignInAppCLient” located at the bottom

STEP 3: #

Scroll Down and Click on “Edit” to edit the Hosted UI

STEP 4: #

  1. Allowed Callback URLs should be: http://localhost:9753/
  2. Another Callback URLs should be: myapp://
  3. Allowed Signout URL should be: myapp://
  4. Select Identity Providers as shown below
  5. Select Oauth 2.0 grant types as shown below
  6. Select Open ID connect Scopes as shown below

STEP 5: #

 (You can skip steps 5,6 if you need to verify the new user Email/Phone using Verification Code during new account Sign-up process)

Go Back to Step-1 and click on “SocialSigninAuthPool” > under “User pool properties” tab > click “Add lambda trigger”

STEP 6: #

  1. Select trigger type : Sign-up
  2. Select Sign-up: Pre sign-up trigger
  3. Select the Lambda Function: autoConfirmUserFN from the list (if you can’t find the function here, you can refer to & add it using this Guide)

Click “Add lambda trigger

👏 Congratulations! Social SignIn Auth Pool setup is completed.

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