STEP 1: #
Social SignIn User pool will be created successfully. You can find this in:
AWS Console –> Amazon cognito –> User pools –> Select Region > “SocialSignInAuthPool“, (NOTE: You should be in the same AWS region from the top right region selector)
Click on “SocialSigninAuthPool“
STEP 2: #
- Go to “Sign-in experience” tab
- Click on “Add identity provider” located at the bottom
STEP 3: #
Click on “Login with Amazon” and click “Add identity provider“
STEP 4: #
Kindly fill out the form as instructed below:
- Paste the Client ID generated in Step-XX above
- Paste the Client secret generated in Step-XX above
- Enter these authorized scopes (paste as it is): profile
- Click on “Add another attribute” to add the following attributes:
User pool attribute | Amazon attribute |
name | name |
username | user_id |
Click on Add Identity Provider.
👏 Congratulations! Login With Amazon setup is completed.
NOTE: Please don’t forget to select the “Amazon” option from the Admin App > Authentication Settings > Authentication Providers so that the SignIn With Amazon Button is visible in the App.