App Check Setup

To complete the User Phone Verification process successfully for Android User App, we must enable Play Integrity / Safety Net API (announced by Google the SafetyNet is discontinued). Kindly follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Firebase Dashboard
  2. Make sure your Firebase Billing is Enabled
  3. At least your User App (Android) should already be added to the Firebase project
  4. Go to Project Overview > Project Settings
  5. Make sure you have added the SHA Fingerprints (debug, release & Playconsole) for Android Apps in Project Settings
  6. Click on AppCheck Tab
  7. Click on Get Started (for new projects)
  8. Click on Apps tab
  9. Make sure all your App Names (UserApp – Android / iOS ) should be shown here.
  10. Next, we will enable “Play Integrity” for User Android App only (Admin App is not required)
  11. Add the SHA Fingerprints (debug, release & playconsole)
  12. Click on “Register” button beside your Android User App only
  13. Click on “+ (Plus Icon)” beside “Play Integrity
  14. Tick on I Agree & accept terms & conditions (If any)
  15. Click on Save & it should be shown as Registered with a Green tick mark.

    (If it shows any error, Kindly go to your Google Cloud Platform and create account using the same Firebase email, then AGREE the terms & then return back here)

  16. Great ! Play IntegrityAPI is enabled for your user android app.

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